Saturday, June 9, 2012

Am I Never Content?

I saw this picture today and it left me longing for snow. Even though I don't like cold weather, standing out in the snow seems awfully lovely today. My 108 year old house has an A/C unit, but its not the traditional kind that comes out the floor. Thus, it is expensive to run the A/C (can I get an amen?). It has been well into the 80s for the past two weeks (every since I returned from a cool 60-70 degrees California). I'm staring to get used to it, but it really zaps the energy out of me. This snowy wonderland enticed me ever so much that I actually was singing Winter Wonderland (the song of the day) while making dinner in a sweat. Enjoy a flash forward of 5 or 6 months and into the land of wonder. 


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