Monday, March 12, 2012


Do you ever have those unique dreams in between the snooze of your alarm? Totally happened to me today. And it was a very good dream...but I can't share it, because then it might be your dream too, and it was actually mine. The dream didn't involve rain, but it did involve mist, which is the closest we get to rain over on the dry coasts of sunny Southern California. I am normally not a fan of grey days, but today is an exception. It is like my dream has just continued once I woke up, because the weather in my dream is almost the same as the weather outside in East Tennessee today. While there isn't that deliciously smokey briny-air feel here, I guess I will just have to pretend that I can still feel the moisture of the waves on my smooth skin.

The song of the day is "I Think it's Going to Rain Today", by Madeline Peyroux. I couldn't find find a youtube link to this song (very upsetting), but you can search for it on Pandora if you would like. I love Madeline Peyroux and the smokiness in her voice. It is like I am watching the dying embers of a campfire while sitting on the shore on a chilly summer's eve at the beach all over again when I listen to her music.

Happy raindrops on a happy Monday morning :)

While you're at it, take a look at this awesome website of pictures of the inside of instruments!

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